Here is the latest quote from our Archbishop as he takes the Pope to task:
Speaking before he meets Benedict XVI tomorrow, Dr Rowan Williams told a conference in Rome that the Catholic Church’s refusal to ordain women was a bar to Christian unity.
And, dear friends, here is a direct quote from Mr. Iker:
Katharine Jefferts Schori has no authority over me or my ministry as a Bishop in the Church of God. She never has, and she never will.
Why does the Archbishop continue to recognize Robert Duncan and John David Schofield despite the similar grounds?
Then there is the full inclusion issue for LGBT that seems to be a stumbling block for +Henri Luke Orombi and +Peter Akinola.
The Archbishop of Canterbury goes on to spar with the Pope saying,
But yesterday the Archbishop made clear that there would be no turning back the clock on women priests in order to appease critics. He dismissed the Pope’s offer to disaffected Anglicans as barely more than a “pastoral response”, which broke little new ground in relations between the two Churches.
Why is this not true also:
But yesterday the Archbishop made clear that there would be no turning back the clock on LGBT priests in order to appease critics. He dismissed the Pope’s offer to disaffected Anglicans as barely more than a “pastoral response”, which broke little new ground in relations between the two Churches.
It is easy to shadow box in the dark, see, you cannot get hit, but then neither can you hit anyone else.
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